Thursday, March 11, 2010

March flurries bring...

Tonight, we dress-rehearse.  One last run-through, one last chance to make final adjustments, check your memory work, and convince yourself that everything really is going to be okay. 

Tomorrow is the Concerto Concert itself, and a year's worth of hard work will be all worthwhile when I get the chance to share this amazing piece of music with the family and friends who are coming out to hear it.  I've got the dress, got the shoes, got a friend to do my hair, and really, I also have a one-in-a-million-lifetimes opportunity here.  It's going to be amazing.

In other news, paper season is upon us, but we music students can definitely make even paper-writing fun.  Recently, shortly before a large research paper on the music of Chopin was due, a few of us collected together at my house and had a paper-writing party.  Ice cream, pop, chips, resource-sharing, and many breaks taken to laugh at hilarious sentences in our research or silly mistakes in our own writing were all part of the fun.  As it turned out, the men's gold medal game landed right on the afternoon we had planned for our paper writing, so cheering our country on to a sweep of hockey gold took precedence over our research for a while!  It was a great day. 

Only one thing makes me sad about the fact that it's March already.  That is the fact that I am graduating in April.  It struck me suddenly a few weeks ago that I am almost finished my time here at Ambrose, and I can hardly even say how much I'm going to miss the community, the adventure, the support, and the amazing times I have here.  But that's part of life, right?  Change is inevitable.  And just because you're feeling comfortable somewhere doesn't mean that's where you're meant to stay.  There's often an even bigger adventure waiting right around the corner.  Who knows how much we'd miss out on if we stayed put where it was safe!

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