Sunday, November 15, 2009

Hello, World!

Hello, Readers!
I am glad you decided to stop by and check out this blog! It’s on this page that I will be posting glimpses and tidbits of what life at Ambrose is like, and sharing with you about all the really awesome things that go on here day-to-day in the life of a student. But before I do that, let me start by introducing myself.

My name is Alyssa. I am a music student here at Ambrose, and I can’t even begin to explain to you how excited I am the program I am in, the classes I get to take, or the department I’m a part of. I am a person who can honestly say that I really do love what I am doing. My story isn’t your average story, however; I actually started out as a successful applicant to the chemistry program at the University of Calgary. Before I went there, though, I chose to spend some time at Prairie Bible College, so that I could gain a firm grounding in my faith before heading back to a science degree at a secular institution. I took two years of Bible and liberal arts classes at Prairie, and graduated with an Associate of Arts in General Studies.

During my time at Prairie, however, I slowly realized, through my increasing involvement with their music department, that science was much more of an academic obligation for me than a real dream. While it would have gotten me a more ‘practical’ job, in some people’s eyes, it wasn’t what I loved. So I finally chose to withdraw my application for the upcoming year at the U of C, and pursued a music degree at Prairie. And let me tell you, I have never been more excited about a life decision I’ve made, or felt more sure about what I was doing! I was finally studying what I loved.

The twist in my story came in my third year at Prairie, when the school announced some changes to their program offerings, which included the closure of the Fine Arts department. I was forced to find another school to complete my degree at. What at first seemed like a really harsh blow to my dreams and goals, God truly used to shape my path in an even better way than what I could have planned for myself. Through points of contact with people who knew the music faculty here, I discovered Ambrose University College, and chose to continue my studies at this institution.

At this school, I have found there to be a perfect blend of emphasis on excellence in our studies and our musicianship, the deepening of our relationship with God, and the support of an amazing community of professors and fellow students that you just cannot find anywhere else. I love the classes I get to take, my private lessons, being a part of the performance ensembles, and the camaraderie that is an encouraging part of every day on this campus.

If you are simply reading this out of curiousity, then let me thank you for the opportunity to share a bit of my story with you. Or maybe you’re a future Ambrose student, in which case, I hope I may have encouraged you a little to pursue your own passions, whatever they are. Please comment or contact me if you’d like, and keep reading for a peek into everyday life as an Ambrose student.

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