Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Can it really be...?

This is our last week of classes.

I didn't realize this until a week ago.  And truth be told, I am actually pretty heartbroken about it.  Not that I'm sad that papers and readings and pop quizzes are over with, but I truly can't imagine not being here anymore after this year.  Ambrose, and especially the music wing, feels more like home than my house does sometimes.  I often come really early to school, just to hang out in the music wing with whoever stops by and crashes on the couches with me.  The discussions and laughter and encouragement is always one of the best parts of my whole day.  Imagining a summer without this community - never mind the next couple of years at a totally different school - is a bit depressing.  "You won't forget us, will you??" asked one of my profs a couple of weeks ago. 
"Of course not!!!" I declared forcefully.  "Not in a million years!" 
That would be like forgetting family.  The faculty and students here have been just as important part of my life as my classes have been.  And their presence has left unforgettable fingerprints all over my life. 

In other news, I received offers of admission from every graduate school I applied to.  This blew my mind.  I have my pick of schools from all across the country.  I can go absolutely anywhere to continue to pursue my musical dreams.  Recently, I flew out to one campus and visited the university there.  Seeing the campus, meeting the faculty and students, and getting to ask all my questions was extremely valuable.  I'll be making another visit sometime soon, and then it comes down to a big decision.  Having the world open to me, though, is a pretty amazing position to be in. 

Changes, changes, changes.  It's always so scary!  You'd think I'd be used to change by now.  But the things I need to keep reminding myself of are that every major change in my life has brought with it a lot of great new things that I can look forward to, and secondly, that God has a plan that I know is a great one.